Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Figs medical advantages to regard gentle illness, for example, dispose of acnes or pimples to keep some growth infection, for example, prostate disease. Figs rich in beta-carotene, an alternate high supplement content in it is starches. Its contain vitamin A, C, E and K  and different vitamins, additionally minerals, for example, calcium, copper, iron etc. For complete data can be perused at figs nourishment truths at the base of the post.
15 figs medical advantages
1. Anticipate malignancy
Coumarin substance of the figs, might likewise decrease the danger of Prostate Malignancy. Consuming figs routinely can help diminish the danger of breast disease and colon growth.
2. Decrease cholesterol
The dissolvable fiber found in figs called Pectin helps in lessening blood cholesterol.
3. Avoid hypertension and heart assault
The substance of Potassium, Omega 3 and Omega 6 on fig natural product serves to keep up circulatory strain and coronary heart assaults.
4. Help cure diabetes
Figs leaves have mending properties. Decoction of fig leaves can help patients with diabetes lessens the measure of insulin admission.
5. Devour figs can diminish weariness, enhance mind memory and forestall pallor.
6. Since purgative impact, devour the natural product is exceptionally useful for treating ceaseless blockage.
7. Every day utilization of figs is a successful medication for the treatment of hemorrhoids cure.
8. At the point when connected to the skin, prepared figs can cure aggravations like abscesses and ulcers.
9. Because of its high water substance, squashed figs goes about as a fantastic skin cleaning agent and aides in avoiding and curing pimple inflamation.
10. Figs are rich in calcium and calcium is a magnificent option for the restorative treatment of individuals who are sensitive to dairy items.
11. Figs are rich in regular Benzaldehid as Phenol and Against Tumor Specialists and Micro-creatures can slaughter pathogens, growth and infection in the human body.
12. Fig organic product is rich in dietary fiber, which makes them exceptionally successful for get-healthy plan (Corpulence).
13. Substance of Calcium and Potassium in figs forestall bone diminishing (osteoporosis), and serves to expand bone thickness.
14. Substance of Tryptophan in figs, prompts great rest and aides dispose of slumber issue, for example, sleep deprivation.
15. Amid this time, figs have likewise been utilized to treat sexual shortcoming. 

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